Brian House at Bispham, Blackpool, forms an integral part of Trinity Palliative Care Services, caring for children with life limiting or life threatening conditions and their families and is one of the services developed out of the original hospice adult inpatient unit, opened in 1985.

Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge’s Charity Representative and Almoner, Past Master Ron Weatherill, together with Henry Stirzaker, the Lodge’s Junior Overseer, visited the Hospice to see if there was any way they could help by funding a particular piece of much needed equipment. They met Jane Molyneux who outlined the want of a Tom Cot Bed, designed for Children with Special needs. They discovered that the hospice had the bed on trial, but it was to be returned until sufficient funds were available. Rather than wait until our Festival, the West Lancs Mark Province funded the bed immediately and a cheque was sent within 48 hours; to the surprise and delight of both the hospice and Bro. Ron! The PGM said he would take Bispham with Norbreck Lodge on trust to produce their contribution subsequently. Which of course they did.

The Lodge raised £1753 and the fund made up the donation to the full cost of the bed at £4290.

On the afternoon of Thursday 17th April, the Provincial Grand Master, Peter Connolly accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Tony Harrison, and the Assistants Danny Jones and Keith Beardmore, together with the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Michael Clarke, met the Worshipful Master of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge, Neil MacSymons, Ron Weatherill and Henry Stirzaker to make a formal presentation of the Bed to the Hospice. Also present was Colin Moxey, the Provincial Grand Masters Special Representative for the Area and John Shrewsbury the Deputy Leader for the Area Charity Group.

Pictured above: The Worshipful Master of Bispham and Norbreck Mark Lodge, Bro. Neil MacSymons with R.W.Bro. Peter Connolly, Provincial Grand Master in front of the donated bed with the certificate recording the donation.

Pictured above, from left, Front: W.Bro.Keith Beardmore, W.Bro.Danny Jones, APGM. Rear: Bro.Neil MacSymons, W.Bro.Michael Clarke, W.Bro.Tony Harrison, DPGM, W.Bro.Colin Moxey, W.Bro.Henry Stirzicker and R.W.Bro.Peter Connolly, PGM.

Pictured above, from left: Bro. Neil MacSymons, R.W.Bro.Peter Connolly, PGM., and Health Care Assistant, Teresa Jeng-Rouse (who demonstrated the bed) and Ron Weatherill, in front of the bed.

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This archive article courtesy of Chris Furmston